Friday, May 10, 2024

Finding the Will of GOD ...
In a recent video I was watching I began to realize that I have allowed myself to become sidetracked and rather lazy in the things of GOD as I know them to do!  I've been doing my very best to find a job that pays well, and use it to get totally and completely out of debt, and financially solid, with savings and investments, really really nice tithe amounts and everything!  But at every turn, when I try these things, I hit a brick wall.  

I have done everything that I know to do concerning spiritual warfare, and the results seem to be "placebo".  My only thoughts now are that maybe, just maybe GOD is wanting me to go a different path, a different direction.  

So, what do you do when you're doing the right thing, but even that doesn't seem to be working?

Finding the Will of GOD

by Richard A. Allcorn   

In Genesis, we find that GOD created Man for His own pleasure, for fellowship companionship, to talk with him and spend time with him, much like a father does with his son!  GOD wants to "communicate" with us, not just one-sided or one-way conversations, but HE wants "us" to hear HIM!  He "wants" that fellowship with man!  And when HE created the woman, for the man, HE made her an integral part OF THE MAN, so that not only would he be completed and made whole with her in his life, but she too would be a part of that communion, that GOD-Man relationship! 

I think perhaps that the greatest creation that GOD has ever done is when HE created the woman!  I mean, look at her.  She moves like a ship in the ocean, with grace and style, floating about the room with a walk and a gate that only a woman could pull off.  The has long flowing hair, beautiful eyebrows, gorgeous eyes that you can get lost in, if you're not careful!  She has a complexion that is radiant, and a smile that lights up a room!  Her lips, as King Solomon puts it in Proverbs, are smoother than honey, and sweet to the taste.  Her voice is calming.  Her touch disrupts the entire circulatory system of a man!  And when you watch her walk down the sidewalk or the beach, you can't help but notice!  Why?  Because GOD made her "just for" the man!  She was created for his pleasure, for his companionship, and to fulfill him, to make him happy!  

Woman is, by far, the greatest creation that GOD has ever accomplished!  Her beauty is so captivating that when Adam first saw Eve as she sachet into the garden where he was, all he could say was, "Whoa!  Man!!" And to this day, men are still affected in much the same way when a beautiful woman enters the room!  The whole atmosphere changes, faces light up, men begin to take notice, and our world is changed!  And "this" is a gift from GOD, to man.  

Now beauty is just the beginning!  This creature can multitask, and do multiple things at once!  She is very intelligent, perceptive and cunning, often able to discern the atmosphere in a room before anyone else.  Her song can melt a mans heart, and her voice can calm the raging seas of a mans anger ... or his disappointment.  Why?  Because GOD created her not to just be his wife, his lover, and the object of his affections, but a "best friend", a worthy companion, a partner in life, to share hobbies, recreation, travel, shopping experiences and all of the things of life.  This new addition changes a man's whole world!  An with the entrance of the woman, into a mans life, his whole existence changes.  He becomes a better ... a better "everything", because of her influence, her presence, in his life.  

So, if GOD went to such trouble to make the woman such an awesome creation, just for HIS man, then HE must value and treasure the man greatly!  And with the woman in his life, the man becomes a brand new "better version" of who he was.  Sometimes, the man becomes an entirely new creature ... because of the woman!  And "this" makes GOD so happy, because HE made her ... just for the man.  HE had man's best interests in mind, when HE rocked our world with the introduction of woman!  

Having recently gone through a divorce, I find myself desperately seeking "true love".  I don't want to settle for a good friendship, a good roommate, but I want someone who is head over heels in love with me!  I want someone who treasures me over everything else BUT GOD.  I want her to adore me, love spending time with me, enjoy hobbies and chores, and the things we do together, more than anything else!  And I want to feel the same about her!  I am finding, as I study human relationships that when 2 people are mated in this way, with a love to this degree with one another, then each eagerly supports the other.  When one fails, the other is right there to lift them up, encourage them, and cheer them on!  Unlike my past experiences of criticism, judgement, mothering and a lack of just plain "liking me", I want someone who makes me feel good about the way GOD made me.  And if I have things that I need to fix, change or adjust, when I know they feel this way about me, I'll be giving it my all to change, to make myself better ... for her.  

My first order of business has been to get my finances in order.  I want to wipe out any/all debts, and pay off people I owe, and end up totally debt-free!  I believe this is what GOD wants in our lives!  And in the past, I just never could seem to get that accomplished.  But now, I have a new life and a new challenge, and it's all up to "me" ... to get it done!  The Bible teaches, "A man who does not provide for his own is worse than an unbeliever."  Well, I not only want to be so far past that, but I want to have "more than enough", so that I have it to give, to bless others, and to sew into ministries, and into investments.  If I get past "my needs" then my focus becomes on helping others, and giving to others!  

In September of 2023, I started working for a trucking company making about $2,500/week. It was a great job, driving over-the-road, in a beautiful truck!  It has a nice sleeper, refrigerator, microwave, flatscreen TV, vacuum cleaner, and all the amenities to make me comfortable as I drove for a living.  I was excited about finally being the "best man" that I could be, paying off everybody, including my Jeep, and getting past "my needs" and being able to now help others.  Then, about 3 weeks into the job, we were sued and our assets were frozen/locked-down.  

I worked for the next 5 months without a paycheck.  I knew if I quit, the company would have no income.  Everyone else had already left.  The owner was scrambling to get his CDL so he could drive too!  And this was probably the hardest time of my life, because everything seemed to go wrong!  I won't go into the details, but lets just say I got to the point where I literally thought that GOD had abandoned me!  Here I was trying to get my life straight, so I could be a self-sufficient "blessing" to others, and it seemed like at every turn I met with brick walls.  

We won the lawsuit, but the judge gave them 90 days to release the funds! Our company barely survived this attack already, and now we've gotta wait until these guys "release" our assets again, before I even get paid!  Finally, after 5 months went by, I came home for some time off.  On March 15th, the 90 days were over and these guys should be releasing the funds so I can get paid.  Well, I am still waiting, for my 5 months of backpay. The company I am not sure will even survive or not.  But the funds were supposed to be released by March 15th.   Still nothing!   And I just recently spoke with the accountant, and they have yet to receive the release of their operating funds!  They're playing some sort of legal song-and-dance, to delay.  They don’t know when they’ll be able to pay me. It’s all just like a nightmare!  


So, here I am asking GOD, "What am I to do?"  I mean I have prayed over this, done spiritual warfare over this, and still nothing!  I've had to borrow MORE money just to keep from losing things I have now!  And that is literally destroying my self esteem, my feeling of self-worth and accomplishments.  And for the first time in my life, I understand what it means to be at the "bottom of the barrel".  I KNOW what that scripture in Psalms means when it says, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ..."  Well I've been there!  It ain't fun!  And you literally feel like, for the first time in your life, that you are "all alone".  To quote a part of a phrase from Billy Graham in one of his crusades, "... without hope, and without GOD in the world."  THAT is how I feel now.  

So, what would you do in this situation?  What would your course of action be?  I know what I'm going to do, but I'd like to hear from others ... and see what advice you out there have?

Feel free to comment ...

Quoting a message someone sent on YouTube the other day at the bottom of a Christian song, I thought I'd share this with you:  "God never sends you into a situation alone, God goes before you, He stands beside you.  He walks behind you.  And whatever situation you have right now, be confident!  God is with you."

That song is a spiritual warfare song given to this artist by the angel Michael ...
It's a spiritual warfare song they sing to worship GOD.
"You Are The Almighty GOD"     

by Richard A. Allcorn  

© Copyright  All rights reserved.  04/10/2024

#findingthewillofgod #richallcorn #richardaallcorn #love #richallcornblogs

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