Tuesday, August 6, 2024

You Need An Empowering, a Refreshing! 
"I never called you just to circle the mountain, but to come forth ..."

Richard A. Allcorn   

On October 18, 1986, a prophet at Maranatha Campus Ministries, Nick Pappis, was preaching at a local church in Austin Texas.  He and I knew each other, but I could tell that this "word" from GOD took him by surprise, as he came up to me during a service, and said ...

"Wanderer, oh wanderer in the dry desert places - Know that I've not caused you to circle the mountain, but I've called you forth, that my word might rest in your heart, and my spirit might well up within you in abundance, and flow out to others. For I put a vision and a dream in your heart, years ago, but you've let the vision and the dream die.

Even though there's a facade of joy and contentment, I know your heart, says the Lord, and you've been wandering. You've been circling a mountain without beginning, without end, -- and I would say wanderer, wanderer, when will you come to my first call? When will you come back to the word that I first spoke to you to see my ministry, and my purposes fulfilled in your heart?"

"For I'm gonna speak to you in this nights season. I'm gonna speak 'very clearly’ to you: you need direction, you need refreshing, you need a renewing- an empowering. I want you to be obedient, says the Lord." 

I "knew" that this word surprised Nick, because of what he said afterwards:  

Now, I don't know anything. I don't know anything. But I felt that word very strong. Whatever it means, whatever it means you can tell me, er, I don't know? You don't, you don't have to tell me now, but I just felt God spoke somethin', and God wants to speak to you."

It was obviously a Word from GOD.  It hit Nick so hard that he couldn’t hold it back, and it rather surprised him, I think.  Nonetheless, he later said he felt the power of it from GOD so much that he wanted to help.  He could “see” the situation in the spirit and he wanted to help me get on-track with what GOD had called me to do.  

He said, “Wanderer, wander, in the “dry desert places” …  places where there is no water, no life-giving spiritual water for me.  I am not being fed.  I am not nourished, spiritually.  

He goes on to say, “Know that I’ve NOT caused you to circle the mountain”, like others, who seek the presence of GOD, and want to be around it, but apparently GOD has called “me” to come into His midst and feed on HIS presence.  “… but I have called you forth, that My Word might rest in your heart, and My Spirit might well up within you in abundance, and FLOW OUT TO OTHERS.”  

GOD is saying that He hasn’t called me to be a “crowd member”, but He has called me to come into His Presence, to “come forth” into the midst of GOD’s Spirit and His Word, and fill my heart with His Word and HIs understanding, that I might be “filled with His Presence” so that I can take that presence, and His Word and present it and feed it … to others.  GOD placed a vision and a dream in my heart to be HIS prophet, and HIS mouthpiece.  But, as he put in the prophetic utterance, “… but, you’ve let the vision and the dream die.”  And now GOD is saying that I have been circling the mountain, in an endless journey going nowhere.   He is asking me, “When will you come back to the Word that I first spoke to you … ‘to see My Ministry, and My Purposes fulfilled in your heart.’”  GOD “WANTS ME” to press-in and BE what he called me to be. 

His instructions?  

“You need direction, refreshing, a renewing, an “empowering” … to get “charged up” and filled with HIS Presence, so that I have the “eye of the tiger” again in my life.  

P. S.   Please, keep me in your prayers …*

*please, don't pray just a token, “Bless him Father …” prayer, I’m talking about "War Room" level intercession!  

by Richard A. Allcorn  

© Copyright  All rights reserved.  08/06/2024

website: http://rich.allcorn.us

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1 comment:

You Need An Empowering, a Refreshing!  "I never called you just to circle the mountain, but to come forth ..." by  Richard A. Allc...