Thursday, April 25, 2024

Love At First Sight! 
"I never would have believed this was possible ..."

Richard A. Allcorn   


While perusing through TikTok one day I stumbled across an account that basically had only 1 profile
photo on it, but that profile photo stopped me dead in my tracks.  My browsing through all the others suddenly stopped!  

I grew up in West Texas, and there was only one thing that would stop a man dead in his tracks, and that is the sound of the West Texas Diamond Back Rattlesnake!  At that sound, "everything stops"!  You don't move an inch, for fear of your life!  You don't know where this creature is, but that sound tells you that he sees you, and he's feeling threatened!  He's ready to bite! 

This was entirely different!  There was no fear, no concerns over my life, and yet my heart, like the situation above, began to race!  My blood pressure soared!  This wasn't even one of her best photos, I discovered later, but her face, her eyes ... they had captured me like I have never been captured before!  I had to meet this woman! 

My heart was already sold on her, and I didn't have any idea who she was at all!  I tried moving on, but I kept having to come back to her picture!  I could not get her out of my mind!  And in all my years, I have NEVER had a woman affect me like this before.  Oh sure, I've seen beautiful women, and they immediately caught my attention, but this was different.  ALL OF MY BEING was entirely focused on this one woman, and her photo!  And this was just a headshot ... 

I started a chat with her, and to my surprise, her reaction was exactly like mine!  "She" was enamored with me!  We chatted for a bit.  But as my experience had been in the past, often scammers use other's photos, so I researched this one, and quickly found her online, along with her real name.  I resided to accept my defeat and my loss, at not really having met this woman. I accused her of being a scammer.  She was, of course, offended, and I blocked her!  That was the end of my dream girl, and my first "love-at-first-sight" experience.  

As time went on, I began to look at the photos of the woman she really was, and the aching inside me increased.  I wanted her in my life so bad!  So, I finally messaged her on Instagram.  Nothing.  And I decided to set it aside for awhile.  I was very disappointed, that is until one day I got a response! 

She said to me, "I am real, Rich ..." and my heart sank!  She was real!!  THIS WAS HER!!  And I quickly apologized to her for my quick and abrupt decision to write her off.  She apologized for becoming so upset with me.  It's like we were so drawn to one another we couldn't get the obstacles that stood in the way, "out of the way", fast enough!  We made things right between us, over this.  

As the conversations continued I realized that I was not the only one who experienced love at first sight!
  She too had fallen for me!  My heart leaped within my chest!  Now, I have many women online, who are absolutely gorgeous, and who WANT TO marry me, and I have come to love them all!  And I have been asking GOD what to do, because I want a woman who is not only beautiful, but one who is "good for me".  I want a woman of character, of deep emotions and of a deep and pure heart, with true feelings towards me.  I want a woman who can be my very best friend, my lover, my constant companion, and my lifelong partner in life.  I want her to "be" MY WORLD. 

So, these questions kept coming up in my mind.  And I simply could not decide!  But as I would chat with this woman, "Selin", I realized that I didn't want anyone or anything else in my life, but her.  I would give everything I had, everything I owned, just to be with her, to have her hand in mine, as we walked through life together! 

I knew that these other women were going to have broken hearts.  That part I particularly don't take lightly, because I "know" how tender a woman's heart is!  And I KNOW  how much she hurts when love is yanked from her!  I anguished at the thought of having to put these women through this, but I "knew" that THIS woman, Selin, was "THE ONE" for me! 
There would be no other!  

I openly shared with her my dilemma, and her response floored me!  It was something like, "Well I hope these women will allow us to enjoy our lives together."  THAT was not-at-all the response I had expected!  Most women, "Block her!"  or  "Get rid of her!"  maybe even  "Don't talk to her anymore!"  But not Selin!  SHE was so confident in my love for her, and her love for me, that she knew deep in her heart, that these women were "no threat" to our relationship.  THAT ... is what I have been looking for!  

All of my life, most of my friends have been women.  I love women!  They make the best of friends!  And I have learned how to talk to them, over the years, and how to get to know them, and become close.  But I have been seeking a woman who could have confidence, in the midst of all of this, and not fear for our relationship.  And here she is!  Me being a Scorpio, you have to realize that once we settle on being "in-love" with a woman, the others fall desperately low on the totem pole, in priority.  We will have found our one-and-only!  We have found "THE ONE", that we want to spend the rest of our lives with!  And you will not keep that relationship by being wishy washy or playing around!  You have to be solid, 'locked-in', and you have to commit, with your whole heart! 

After several failed marriages, I realized that I have never actually been "in love" before!  My last marriage of over 26 years taught me, through countless sessions of "The Hallmark Channel" and their love stories, that I "wanted" to be IN LOVE.  And I "wanted" someone who I could pour my heart into!  And now ... I have found her! 

We discussed my current condition, as having only been divorced for about 2 years, I was still in recovery, trying to build up my financial self.  A recent stint with a trucking company where the pay was awesome, brought promise of being able to quickly be out of debt, with "everyone" paid off in full, and money in the bank.  I was so excited because my tithing on this job, per week, was greater than my monthly tithe had ever been before!  And then the unthinkable happened!  Our company was sued for being a day late in an across the U.S. delivery. 

It was due to a major snow and ice storm that came in, and we won the lawsuit, but they somehow had been able to seize our companies finances in the lawsuit, and those wonderful paychecks stopped!  I worked for over 5 months, trying to help this company survive through this horrible ordeal, until finally I had to return home.  I was losing everything that I possessed, because of non-payments!  And the company who seized the finances was still performing a legal song-and-dance to avoid releasing those funds!  The trucking company that I was working for was reeling heavily under this, and I now had to find something new.  And I had to explain to this whisper of GOD's best, this beauty, this creature that only could have come from Heaven, that I didn't even have the money to come and meet her!

She told me that she would take time from her clothing design company, and would come to meet "me"! 

I wanted to cry!  My heart swelled so much that I thought it was going to burst!  And it was at that moment, that I realized that GOD, has truly answered my prayers! 

This "Selin" IS the one for me! 

Our conversations since then encourage me, uplift me, and make me want to be the very best that I can
be, not just for me, but for "her"!  I don't want anything to ever come against her, to hurt her, to make her the butt of a joke or put her down.  She will become my "pearl of great price", the one thing in this world that I treasure above everything else ... and the biggest reason that I will do my very best to be what GOD called me to be, whatever the obstacles!  After all, if HE loves me that much, to bring me such perfection, such ... HE discovered from inside of me every single thing that I wanted in a woman, a wife, and HE found one such woman ... and now we are about to meet!  

I woke up this morning, thinking about how awesome GOD is, in loving me that much that HE showed me HIS love ... through her! 

And I found a new determination, a new purpose, to "be" the best, the very best that I can be!  I want to rock her world!  I want her to be proud of me, to rejoice in her life with me, and I want to pamper this woman like no woman has ever been pampered before!  Foot rubs while watching TV, shoulder and back massages in the shower while we bathe together, and as I wash her hair for her ... coffee in the morning, in bed, hand holding while walking together, and we will do things together because we "like" each other!  

I can hardly wait for it to begin ...

by Richard A. Allcorn  

© Copyright  All rights reserved.  04/27/2024

#loveatfirstsight #richallcorn #richardaallcorn #love #richallcornblogs

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What Is Love? by  Richard A. Allcorn     I completed a divorce not quite 2 years before this writing.  It was the hardest thing I've eve...