Thursday, April 4, 2024

What is Love?

In a recent conversation with Lanie Gardner, she asked me, "What does love mean to you, Rich?"  Lanie has always been an awesome friend, and she asks the questions that need to be asked, and she digs deep into life like all of us need to.  Thats why her songs are so awesome!  I thought about what she asked me, and these words just began to flow ... 

I share this with you today, on my personal blog.  One day soon, I will publish it, but I am posting it, for now, so it is "known" that I wrote it. 
(copyright stuff)  

I dedicate this writing to Lanie Gardner, for inspiring me and for encouraging me, to write ...

What Is Love?

by Richard A. Allcorn   

An extremely powerful, overwhelming feeling that comes from deep down inside the innermost places of your heart, that you have for another, resulting in feelings of despair, anxiety, difficulty breathing, and even a feeling of emptiness, when they're not around you, when you're separated, or if they are not yet in your life.  You literally cannot live or function without them!  

When you love someone like this, you will do anything for them!  

Each day of your life you spend showing them how much they mean to you. You massage their feet while watching TV, you shower with them and apply shampoo and conditioner for them, as you massage their back, neck, and shoulders…  all just to show them how much they mean to you.  When you're walking together, whether on the beach or through the mall, you hold their hand, or maybe place your hand in the small of their back, letting them know that you're always there.  You open the door for them, pull out their chair for them, and you throw the bathroom towels in the dryer just before you both shower ... just to make it all special ... for them.  

Because THEY are always there for you, doing the things that YOU like to do, and enjoying it, because they get to be with you, your love then makes you want to find out and discover THEIR dreams and THEIR hopes, and play an integral part in helping THEM to achieve THEIR dreams and the things that they have always wanted to do.  

It's about working hard, trying to help each other to reach the point of being the very best that each of you can be.  It's about allowing them to KNOW that, even if you are fighting death, or maybe in a coma, and everyone else is saying just pull the plug… You are the one to fight for them!  You are the one to not give up on them.  You refuse to quit, and you refuse to allow them to die, and leave you, because of your love for them.

No one else even knows that, while all of this is going on, you on the other side are having a discussion with God, as to whether to come back or whether to stay in Heaven.  No one knows that you are on the brink of a major decision for your "life", and because the one you love is fighting for you down here, you have that chance to return, and you have that chance to beat this thing, and finish your life with them!!

Love is that feeling you get when they come walking into the room, and your whole body lights up!  Love is when your blood pressure rises, and your heart starts to beat, and you want to be intimate with them.  Love is when they look at you intently, you can feel your whole body responding!  You want to express your feelings towards them.  You may kiss them, or hug them, or the two of you may excuse yourselves from the party and leave early.  And when you are intimate, you're totally completed.  Your focus is on "their pleasure", not yours!  You do everything within your power, to be the best that you can be, for them, so that in every area, you rock their world!  

That's what love is.  It's that kind of commitment to the other.  And this doesn't come from an online chat, or getting a few likes electronically.  But you discover this when you look deep into their eyes, and you get lost in there somewhere as you wander through their soul with your heart.

You discover this each and every time they touch you, or when they run their fingers through your hair, or when they scratch the back of your neck with their fingernails, or rub up against you in a crowd, on purpose, just to let you know that their desire is for you, and for you only!  

You want to be intimate with this person as often as you can, because it brings about an even closer feeling than you've ever experienced ... with anyone!  And you don't want anything to come between what the both of you have, so you seek that intimacy with them at every opportunity.  It makes you feel that much closer to their heart.  

That's what love is all about. Your life becomes centered around them, and their life becomes centered around yours.  You get involved in everything they do, just so you can be with them, whatever you have to do!  And likewise, they do the same for you.

Each of you enters into areas of interest that you might never have considered, but because of the one you love, you will do just about anything to spend each and every day with them.

God said it best, when one day He was pondering the condition of the man He had recently created.  He said, "It is not good for man to be alone."  And in His l commitment to the man He had created, and for that mans happiness, God fashioned the most beautiful creature that He had ever before created ... "woman ".

Woman was created for the man, not the other way around. God created her specifically for the man.  And God created the woman from parts of the man, that would place "her" in a place where he would not be complete without her!  He did this because they are meant for each other.  

Love is when two people, who share the feelings just described, come together to become one flesh, and they love their lives together, in the fullness of this thing we call love, and life.  

by Richard A. Allcorn  

© Copyright  All rights reserved.  04/04/2024

#whatislove #richallcorn #richardaallcorn #love #richallcornblogs

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