Monday, November 25, 2024


Going Through Rough Times? 
"GOD is removing the chaff, and those in your life that need to go ..."

Richard A. Allcorn   

Sometimes GOD will isolate you, before HE elevates you.  You may think that everything is falling apart around you, but in reality everything is falling into place.  Old things are being stripped away.  And people in your life are sometimes included in that purging.  

Often, we have people in our lives who pretend to care, pretend to love, and pretend to have your back.  But when the pressure is on, and the rumors begin to fly, and gossip is spread, these are the individuals who will leave you alone, on your own, with noone to help … noone to turn to.  They will believe the lies and join in with your accusers, without ever once taking the time to come to you to find out the truth.  

These are the individuals who will stand in judgement over your life, though GOD never appointed them to that position.  They will criticize you, maybe chastise you, or even worse, talk about you, behind your back!  They will spread the rumors and the lies, as though they were the verified gospel truth, and while doing so, they become your enemy, your judge, your accuser.  This is called “siding with Satan”.  They don’t even realize they’re doing this.  They become self-righteous, standing tall because they believe in their own minds that their attitudes against you are right, and justifiable, and that they are upholding principles of value and worth.  But the fact of the matter is, their actions are 180° against the Word of GOD, and counter-Christian, not-at-all Christ-like.  They have, without realizing it, become a co-agent with Satan in the attacks upon you, and will be a valued force and tool, in his schemes, to destroy you.  


When you're in one of these isolation scenarios, you will find that GOD will also take advantage of this time to expose those around you, who are like this, people that you cannot trust, who are critical and quick to judge, believing rumors and hearsay easily, rather than seeking you out to discover the truth. 

We're moving into a time when GOD's Spirit is going to begin separating the wheat from the chaff.  In these last days the Bible tells us that sons will go against their fathers, and daughters against their mothers, with no real love shown, nor a desire for restoration or forgiveness. 

In many cases, these are casualties of Satan’s deceptions, where he has persuaded them that by taking a stance against you they are being righteous, and upholding GOD’s will in their lives.  If we get to where we jump on and attack those around us who are under his attack, those who fall, then we've sided with Satan, in helping in that persons destruction!  We become a “double-agent”, claiming to love GOD and serve HIM, and yet, we are sneaking off and siding with Satan on his attacks against our own family (fellow believer’s), and helping in their destruction.  

Satan is attacking and working against all of us, more than ever before!  His efforts are to find weaknesses and exploit them.  He wants to confuse the truth in your mind, dash any hopes you might have of becoming what GOD called you to be, and establishing an inner image of defeat and hopelessness.  And as these other, well-meaning individuals join with Satan in his attacks against you, often he is able to destroy the light, the fire, the hope, that is inside your spirit.  And “that” is his goal!  

The Bible teaches us that we are to reach out to them, and to pray for them.  But if our actions are not in keeping with our prayers, then our prayers are of none affect, because we're not walking in love.  All of the gift of the spirit are that way ... if you're not walking in love, they just won't work!  So, when you pray for someone, but your actions are contrary to those prayers, it’s like the sails on a ship on a calm and still day.  There is no power in your prayers, because “you”, unknowingly, have pulled back the force of faith behind them.  They become useless, empty words.  

So, if you find yourself going through one of the times, when you feel isolated, seek the Word of GOD.  Seek men and woman of GOD.  The Bible tells us that you will know them by their fruits.  Seek out those who are seekers of the truth, encouraging you, uplifting you, and endeavoring to help you to reach your full potential in GOD and His calling on your life.  

Your life is not falling apart.  GOD is just cleaning off the chaff, the rough edges that need to be done away with.  And sometimes, that means that even relationships have to change.  

He has your back.  He always will …

written by Richard A. Allcorn  

©Copyright 11/25/2024 - All rights reserved. 


#goingthroughroughtimes  #richallcorn #richardaallcon #thebelievershandbook 


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