Monday, December 9, 2024

Just What Really IS Love! 
"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another ..."

Richard A. Allcorn © 

I've had to do a lot of soul searching here lately, and find that "riding the fence" does nothing for you but rips up your breeches with the barbed wire.  Why do we use barbed wire for our fences?  To keep you "off" the fence.  

I love people, and I love GOD, but I am not perfect.  I will be the first to admit that, folks.  I have recently had to clean up a lot of stuff in my life, delete and close Twitter accounts, etc. and I'm still finding stuff that has to go.  We all have to do that now and again ... it's an ongoing process.

Being a Christian is not about being flawless!  And if you thought it was ... think again!  It's about managing your life, cleaning up areas of compromise, and constantly seeking GOD, asking, "Ok, now what next to do I need to fix."

The biggest problem in a Christian life is dealing with people that see you from a distance, who mount their judgement throne and, like a parasite, they go for the jugular!  People don't try to sin, it just happens.  Most are looking for a way out of it.  And as Christian brothers and sisters, our job is to pray for one another, not judge them.  Our job is to encourage them to righteousness, and help them to see themselves as GOD sees them.  James 5:16 says we are to "pray for one another, that you may be healed."  Ephesians 6:18 says, "Never stop praying, especially for others.  Always pray by the power of the Spirit.

All to often though, we come across folks who claim to know GOD, but treat their brothers and sisters like the devil.  GOD is all about love, forgiveness, and especially restoration.  Why is it that Christians are the only faith that crucify our own wounded?  Why is it when we see a brother or sister in sin, we side up with the devils group and crucify them?  When the Bible said to "pray by the power of the Spirit", it was talking by the power of the spirit "of GOD", not of Satan.  When you side with the devil, you commit the sin of Adam, and return to that which you were supposed to be saved from!

Your job, as a representative of the Family of GOD, is to go to them, lift them up, encourage them, pray for them and over them, and help them get back on-track with GOD's plan for their life.  But if you're hiding in the shadows and talking about them, criticizing them, and spreading rumors about them, you just became a partner with Satan in destroying them, and THAT is what his whole goal was to start with!  

Clean up your own life, first.  Go to GOD and ask HIM to show you areas that "you" need to fix.  Then go to the person you have issues with, in love, and encourage them, pray with them, and help them "see" what GOD sees ... so that they become what GOD created them to be.  Don't find yourself before the throne of GOD one day being asked, "Why did you play a big part in the destruction of the life of your brother (or sister)?  Which side are you on?"

If you see me messing up, come to me!  Confront me, in love, and help me beat whatever it was that you saw in my life.  Why?  Because I've spent over 65 years in this Earth, learning things that GOD wants me to share.  And if you work against my success instead of praying for me, encouraging me, and helping me get back on my feet, then "YOU" just became Satan's single best tool to use towards my destruction!  If you only knew how scared Satan is, that I am going to tell, teach and share what GOD has shown me ...  Get with GOD's program, and stop sneaking around in Satan's camp, spreading gossip and pointing fingers!  PRAY!!!  And if you don't know how to pray, pray in the Spirit.  But PRAY!  Lord knows I need it...  

By the way, "THANK YOU" to all of you who have been encouraging me, lifting me up, and praying for me.  I seriously WANT to see GOD work in my life and yours!  And of recent, GOD has pointed out to me that Satan is working diligently to shut me down ...  but I refuse to quit!  I refuse to fail!  And I refuse to allow the weaknesses of this flesh to hinder my calling and my purpose here in the Earth.  

I challenge you, if you call yourself a Christian, to be a help and an encouragement to those around you that you see who need help.  GOD didn't point them out to you, like some sniper so you could finish them off.  HE wants you to pray for them, befriend them, and lift them up ... to glorify HIM.  

The Bible is full of example of how GOD used a jack-ass to get things done.  I am a living example ...   so lift me up, pray for me, 'cause I'm coming back!! 

I am returning to THE CALLING that HE placed upon my life. 
(I won't get any sleep UNTIL I do.)

by Richard A. Allcorn  

© Copyright  All rights reserved.  12/09/2024

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